The Dead of Night


A war has been waged between two formidable supernatural entities. The long line of Keepers of Dark Time have relentlessly kept the dark horrors created by the Night Hag at bay. Of all the monsters and demons fought in Salems Marsh, the Night Hag has been the most nefarious. She travels undetected through dreams, uncovering secrets and deep seated fears by invading the minds of those made helpless while asleep. She claims their nightmares as her own, making the bad dreams more terrible with each sleep cycle. By collecting Nightmares she has created an army impossible to detect. The ultimate goal is to burst through the supernatural barrier and enter the living light filled world. She will bring the Nightmares with her and feed on the living until the world is dark and insane. The Keeper of Dark Time has formidable powers, but these powers are not infinite. Who will win in the end?

In this story you follow the messages left behind by another Dreamer. You are trapped in a nightmare and to survive you must break out. The Night Hag pursues you, hoping you will lead her to the hidden exit into the living world. Some of the Nightmares will leave you presents. Or, maybe they are curses. Your mission in this adventure is to find the presents and to find the exit out of the nightmare realm. You must wake up or perish. Join us in this nightmare world.

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Copyright 1998-2022 (or Until Hell Freezes Over)
by M. Buck, All Rights Reserved
Haunting you since 1998.