Spooky Webmistress & Jeeves
Well, Hello. It seems you have found me. Sorry if I'm not your cup of tea. I'm barely a cup and I don't like tea. I'm more like a rusty bucket of haunted bog water. Sorry if I'm not your rusty bucket of haunted bog water. I was enjoying such an unpleasant nightmare when you interrupted my slumber. My butler Jeeves, as usual, was out picking dead daisys in the cemetery garden and did not alert me of your presence. He becomes lost in memories. Jeeves and I appear here and there in some of the stories. Although I try to seclude myself in out of the way places, some do find my hidden rooms. Don't be surprised to find me in the Carnival of Terror, The House, and The Dead of Night stories. Often I have secret collectibles with me.
But enough about me, Jeeves has his own story, which is quite sad actually. He suffered heartbreak and betrayal and never fully recovered. Even I am guilty, although my actions were unavoidable. All this writing has made me sleepy and my eyelids grow heavy. Time for another nap! Please close the Crypt door when you leave. Farewell and Happy Hauntings!
To begin the short story about Jeeves visit Frightbytes.com - The Betrayed. Or:
Return and choose another monster.
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by M. Buck, All Rights Reserved Haunting you since 1998.